Dr. Galloway specializes in the treatment of substance use problems and also works with individuals with depression, anxiety, stress and many other difficulties. With each client he focuses on understanding the nature of the problem, the underlying causes and the consequences while developing an individualized treatment approach based on current scientific understanding of addiction treatment and most importantly the client's specific goals.
Overcoming substance use difficulties and mental health conditions can happen quickly for some individuals and for others it can be a longer process. Along the way we will capitalize on your strengths, build on your successes, and learn from any setbacks.
In addition to individual psychotherapy Dr. Galloway may be available for substance use assessments as well as consultation with other medical and mental health providers.
Clinical research studies have provided empirical evidence that supports the use of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Mindfulness, and Motivational Interviewing in treating substance use problems. Dr. Galloway most frequently uses these approaches with clients because they are among the most effective and because they all allow for the client's specific goals to guide how the therapy proceeds.
Anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, work/school stress, and other conditions frequently co-occur with substance use problems. In some cases it is the substance use that causes the problems and in some cases substance use problems develop or are made worse because of life difficulties. Either way, there are systematic evidence based approaches to dealing with the problems related to substance use as well as the substance use itself.
Many people are able to overcome substance use problems on their own. Others benefit from Self-help groups like AA, NA, Smart Recovery, or Life Ring. In some cases there are medications that can help decrease cravings to use or that counteract the effects of the substances. If the substance use is severe and life has gotten out of control then a residential program may be helpful to re-establish structure and stability. Dr. Galloway can review the range of options available to you and can provide recommendations and referrals to local resources to either add in combination to your individual therapy or in some cases instead of individual therapy.
2169 Union Street, San Francisco, California 94123, United States
Monday Evenings